Skin Care - Keeping our Skin Looking Young
When we are talking a youthful face, we are thinking wrinkles. First lets examine the cause of wrinkles and what we can do to prevent them.
Causes of wrinkles:
- Time
- Genetics
- Exposure to Sun
- Smoking
There are some other minor causes, but these are the big ones. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about the first two, time and genetics, but we do have power over the last two.
For smoking it is clear. If you smoke, quit, and even if you don't smoke, you need to avoid second hand smoke.
Now for Sun Exposure; look at your face and the back of your hands. These get the most exposure to the sun. Now check areas of you body that get the least exposure (hint, you are probably sitting on one of them now). Notice a difference? To prevent further UV damage, wear a hat and sunscreen (SPF15 or higher) when you go out in the sun, particularly from the hours of 10am to 3pm.
Now that we know how to prevent new wrinkles, what can we do to reduce the ones we have? Check out the skin care steps and learn how to care for your skin and reduce wrinkles.
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